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cbd treatment parkinson's disease atypical parkinsonian

Exploring CBD’s Role in Parkinson’s Treatment

CBD for treatment in Parkinson’s Disease and Atypical Parkinson’s Disorders Explanation of how this research about the cannabinoid type II receptor (CB2R) and dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) might connect to someone with Parkinson’s disease or other atypical parkinsonian disorders. What’s Happening in the Study?This study looked at a part of the […]

cannabis leaf molecules parkinson

Cannabis use in Parkinson’s disease: Patient access to medical cannabis and physician perspective on product safety

The rate of medical cannabis use has increased in parallel with the number of states legalizing its use. Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients are of particular concern due to their higher cannabis use rate than in the general US population (25-40 % PD patient cannabis users vs. ∼18 % in the general population), as well as […]

smelling cannabis flowers terpenes man green background

Cannabis Terpenes: Abstract

Cannabis Terpenes Abstract Terpenes are the primary constituents of essential oils and are responsible for the aroma characteristics of cannabis. Together with the cannabinoids, terpenes illustrate synergic and/or entourage effect and their interactions have only been speculated in for the last few decades. Hundreds of terpenes are identified that allude to cannabis sensory attributes, contributing […]

Cottonmouth from cannabis – why using cannabis gives you dry mouth.

Why cannabis gives you dry mouth or cottonmouth By Cannabis Chris on Thursday, April 5, 2012 Have you ever wondered why using cannabis causes your mouth to go dry? This problem is typically referred to as “cottonmouth”, as it feels about the same as shoving a bunch of cotton-balls into your mouth, and then trying to lick a […]